September 19, 2024

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Reggio Emilia Prison, a letter.

“We start from reading a book. We put it at the center and leave our creativity free as much as possible. The circle that surrounds the text collects our ideas, our creativity and releases artistic flows. The circle rotates vertiginously and harmonizes our angularities.”   Reggio Emilia Prison


PA: Potencia Argentina

  Potencia Argentina is a leadership accelerator dedicated to empowering a new generation of political leaders defined by purposeful leadership, critical thinking, and a strong drive for action. We are proud to collaborate through Renaissance Now.

Current Newsletter
Cases for Culture Conference | Renaissance Now

December 2-3, 2022 // DRCLAS

Art as Opportunity and Obligation | Doris Sommer

Trolley Time at the U.S.-Mexico Border |


"Our project is more actual and necessary than ever before. We have received so many impulses that we could use as a city administration to create opportunities instead of limits for artists and to use their impulses for us as an administration to become better."
September 22, 2021 | Dr. Schmitt, Liane, Director of the Organization and Personnel Department, City of Mannheim

"If I had understood what art is and what it does to promote social capital, I would have made different decisions when I was Minister of Development in Paraguay. Policymakers generally have a blindspot when it comes to art as a resource for development."
June, 2021 | Jose Molinas, Director of Instituto Desarrollo, Asunción, Paraguay

"Science and Sociability will be our new course, for Europe's CIVIS consortium, to make good on this opportunity and obligation to engage the arts".
September 19, 2021 | Raquel Galindo, Autonomous University of Madrid, IAP

"Collaboration across arts and sciences is essential for climate justice and equity of resources."
October 22, 2021 | Mayor David Balaba of Iganga, Uganda.

October 22, 2021 | Ed Johnson, Executive Director, Governmental Affairs and Community Relations, Brookdale Community College