
A case for culture
Show & Tell
Give & Take

Through programs, grants, fellowships, and activities, DRCLAS strives to provide support and resources for students, faculty, and scholars working in and on Latin America.

Creative Bureaucracy Festival

The Creative Bureaucracy Festival celebrates outstanding innovation in the public sector and its contribution to a better, more sustainable, and more just world. It brings together bureaucrats and their allies – those who, at all levels of government,...

Engine for Art, Democracy & Justice

EADJ is a trans-institutional collaboration between Vanderbilt University, Fisk University, Frist Art Museum, & Millions of Conversations. This initiative is a platform for creative and social exploration in the development of new knowledge and practices...

Cultural Agents Inc.

Cultural Agents is a platform for academics, artists, community leaders, and active citizens in general. It is an invitation to revive a long humanistic tradition that combines arts and research in the service of civic development.

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